Hashtags that announce or chronicle another tragedy.
I am sick and tired of young mothers being raped and shot in the head. I am sick and tired of little boys like Tyshawn being shot in their heads, their little bodies riddled with bullets . I’m tired of young men dying in the street, their bodies full of bullet holes. Fathers dying, their life being choked out of them.
I am tired of young women
visiting their grandmother dying of gunshot wounds while walking to a bus stop to
go home. Young people with promise cut down by ignorance.
I’m tired of Tyesa Cherrys dying after going to a movie,
killed by a bullet meant for someone else. I am sick of grandmothers, pastors
and college students at bible studies being shot down in their own church. I’m
sick and tired of young men going into elementary schools, college classrooms
and movie theaters and randomly shooting and killing.
I’m tired of scrolling through the toll of violence in the
city on the website DnaInfo. More than 400 names. Most without a video, protest
or reward to mark their demise. Just a red dot by a date and a familiar script.
Tired of people living their life, minding their business,
going to work, a concert, having a drink, shopping at the mall, attending
college classes, staying at a hotel being assailed by bullets. Not knowing why
or by whom they are being executed.
Human beings gone. Mothers and fathers gone. Innocent lives executed.
Tired of mothers and fathers abandoning their babies, not
raising their children. Children left to
raise themselves. Children beating infants to death. Children putting babies in ovens. Mothers
throwing babies out of windows. Babies body parts found in lagoons. Babies born,
killed and body parts sold.

The young pastor’s wife and mother in Indianapolis is me. I am her--staying
at home by myself with my baby while my husband is at the gym.

If we truly realized it was all of us, I wonder if it would make a difference?
It all just makes me
cry inside. I don’t want to think about it. I’m sick and tired of it. I pray
about it. Ask God about it. It makes me want to turn off the news although I
know I can’t bury my head in the sand. It makes me wonder what can I do? How
can I make a difference? Still live and feel without being overwhelmed or
becoming indifferent?

It leaves me wondering if each new horror just desensitizes
us to the fact that these are people created in God’s image. That life is precious and a gift from God. It
is so precious that we will go to extraordinary lengths to save it, rejoicing
when men with their bare hands dig a baby out of the rubble of an earthquake.
But others will also take it so casually whether it is the excuse or "reason" of religious ideology, insanity, an assertion of our “rights”,
reckless irresponsibility, personal pride, racism or robbery.
I know this: It’s all evil.
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